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Owning a side by side refrigerator in Pakistan is definitely a personal preference. However, Consumer tend to buy a side by side fridge mainly because of  space or interior design limitations and also because these units are much better when it comes to organizing your stuff and also the ease of access.

They are also a preferred choice for consumers who have elderly people who cannot bend down to grab the daily items which we usually have to do if you have a top mount refrigerator.

Another major benefit of buying a side by side fridge in Pakistan is bigger freezer shelf which is very important. Some other added benefits of side by side is that some models will also include water and ice dispenser which we usually don’t find in the conventional top mount refrigerators.

Best of all, the side-by-side design offers a very elegant look to the kitchen which is very difficult to achieve with the conventional refrigerators.

Some of the most notable brands of side by side fridge in Pakistan includes Samsung, LG, Dawlance, Hitachi, Sharp, Frigidaire, Panasonic.

Get the best side by side refrigerator price in Pakistan only at with shipping all over Pakistan including karachi, lahore, islamabad, rawalpindi and other major cities.