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Front Load Washing Machine Price in Pakistan

Front load washing machine price in Pakistan are actually quite high but the quality of the wash is unmatchable especially when we compared them to top load or semi automatic washing machines. There is just no comparison. Another reason for the high prices for front load washer and dryer in Pakistan is high custom duties especially for imported front load washer and dryer by LG, Samsung or any other high end brand.

Front load washing machine in Pakistan are generally more expensive than the top loaders but if we look at the benefits and features of a front loader washer and dryer is far more than a top loader.

Front loading washing machines have a better quality clean and are more energy and water efficient than top loaders.

Moreover, front load washers also have more features when it comes to selecting the fabric types and water levels. In addition, these washing machines are comparatively more quieter due to their advanced technology.

Although the premium that you have to pay to buy a front loader washer and dryer is generally more but its definitely worth it in the long run.

Another benefit of buying a front loader washer and dryer is that they are more gentler on clothes and they are much better in cleaning larger items like duvets, pillows or blankets. There is also a myth surrounding front loaders in Pakistan that they consume more water than top loaders which is actually not true. Front load washing machines are significantly more efficient in terms of water usage than top loading washing machines.

If we talk about best value for money front load washing machines in Pakistan then Haier is a clear winner. Haier front load washing machine price in Pakistan are very good if we compare their quality and after sales services. This is one of the many reasons why haier front load fully automatic washing machines are doing great in Pakistan.

Get the best front load washing machine price in Pakistan exclusively at Brands available in front load washers are LG, Samsung, Sharp, Dawlance, Haier and Kenwood.





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