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Haier 1.5 Ton Puri Inverter AC INV-18HJ with Airpurifier

  • Built in Air Purifier
  • Super IFD Filter
  • Air Quality Sensor
  • Wifi Connectivity
  • UPS Enabled
  • Self Cleaning
  • Golden and Silver Color
  • Official Warranty

199,000.00 229,000.00

    • ₨5,000.00
    • ₨0.00
Final total
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Haier Puri Inverter Inverter AC 18HJ

Buy Haier Puri Inverter AC 18HJ in 1.5 ton capacity  in Pakistan with official warranty and nationwide delivery. Find the best haier puri inverter price in Pakistan only at

Haier Puri Inverter AC is a full dc inverter ac which means it will consume very less electricity and will run at around 1.5-1.8 amps at around 25-26 degrees making it extremely energy efficient. In addition, haier 18hj eer is also one of the best in the market which is around 3.7-4

Haier puri inverter ac cleans and purifies the indoor air from pollutants while cooling the room. It has a dedicated air purifier, a negative ion generator, high-efficiency filter, and a super ifd filter. Furthermore, the built-in air purifier has a very effective CADR value of up to 450m3/h. Haier puri inverter INV-18HJ has a two-in-one system of an air conditioner and air purifier that can clean the air of the room within minutes while cooling.

UPS Enabled*
With and additional device Haier inverter Air Conditioner can be operated on UPS in case of power outage. PCB in the device can input power supply between municipal power supply and UPS power supply by smart monitoring if the monitoring power 0V is detected it switched to UPS Power mode for low-Frequency operation automatically.
WiFi Control
With plug-in USB design the air conditioner can be controlled by your phone via WiFi or 3G/4G network anytime anywhere. Mobile APP “Haier Smart” can be downloaded from Google Play Store for android and Apple App Store for iOS operating system.




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